Friday, February 2, 2007

Weekly Reflection, week 4

This week was interesting. The disscusions on Friday were very good, also amusing. I liked Ivan story about the squirell rabit. It was funny, easy and I could create a picture of the scene of the story. I like that!
I did not like the other story because the genre, it reminded me of star wars. But he gave it a good shot, the story wasn't bad. I can't believe how much imagination people in our class have and they know how to turn it into a story very well.
Wednesday...what did we do?? Oh yeah, you had to think of a character...I wrote about a girl in 10th grade who could read people's mind.....not very original...I know....but I just couldn't think of anything else!
I had to write a story with Kelly, who thought of a was weird to create a story that had both characters in it. But ours wasn't that chalenging...we just made a story about a mathteacher who takes his 10th grade class on a fieldtrip.
How exciting......

This week I learned more about creating a character and about having a, I should talk more because I hardly talk during the discussions so that should be my goal for next week!!


Jessica Love said...

I definately like Ivan's story about Sonny the Rabid Suirrel. That was like the first worskshop piece that amused me.

Sam said...

I thought Ivan's workshop piece was ok, but the characters were really flat...and that bugged me a bit. I happened to like the other story a bit better, since I read a lot of fantasy novels and such.
I'm a little curious about your story with the oddball characters...I want to read it! lol.
PS: You should definitely talk more in discussions! lol

Emily said...

I agree that the one story did sound a bit like star wars and lord of the rings mixed! I liked the rabid squirrel one and thought it was a good childrens story. Doing the cirle critiques have been very good for me! I am getting really into peoples stories and I like to take them home and place comments on them now, so I guess this class is good for me in that way!