Monday, January 29, 2007

Tessa van Beusekom, 29 Jan 2007, HW#2, Deadline Reflection

So, I made a mistake...I thought Sam was not in my class...but she is....sorry Sam!!
We both agreed that it is fun to create characters in your mind. What I like to do is when I am in public places, and I see people passing by, I wonder what kind of person they are. What is their background, what are their hobbies, do they have a family? And other thing......I like to do that....maybe you think that thats weird...but thats just me!

I learned a lot about how to create characters, it was interesting. I talked with Emily about the first workshop. It was not bad, we all have different opinions about work from students, interesting! And we both thought that everyone's opinion is respected in this class.

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