Sunday, February 11, 2007

Deadline Reflection HW #4

I talked with Jessica about the story: Hills like White Elephants. She thought the man in the story was the husband of the woman, but I don't think that that is true. So, there are many different ways in how you can interpret a story.
I talked with Nicole about the fact that we both still have a long time before we do our workshops, we can reads other people's stories and we have a long time to think of something good.
I don't like rush when I have a story, I take my time, if I can.
I told Sam I really liked her story, because of the good desciption of the characters and it kept me interested the whole time.
I wonder what we're doing next week, maybe we'll all going to share our dialogues on Monday.


Taylor said...

That Hills like White Elephants short story confused the hell out of me...i too have a long time until i do my workshop and I too will read others and try to to the best i can. i liked my dialogue story, but i wish the week would go by faster.

Sam said...

I happened to like the Hills Like White Elephants was pretty cool. You got to read between the lines, and it made everything more interactive.