Sunday, January 21, 2007

Tessa van Beusekom, 21 Jan 2007, HW#1, Deadline Reflection

The stories we wrote on Friday helped to write in different styles, because some people had already started the story before me.
Me and Sam both thought it was a challanging thing to do. At least now that I was not the only one who thought it was difficult sometimes to continue a story that doesn't make any sense.
I agreed with Sam and Jessica that a good writer is someone who can make you create a picture in your mind about the story. Also, a good writer can fascinate you with his/her story.
I read Nicole's post, she said that she felt unconfident about her writing, and thats how I feel too. I'm not scared of other people's opinion about my work, its just that I hope its not all negative, and that some people will like my work....
By replying to my classmates I found out that I have some of the same opinion as them, which is good! I just hope that this class is going to be interesting and fun...

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