Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A young girl's dreams

See the flowers on the hill
Look at the sky, thats more blue than ever
Look at the trees, that shake a little
because of a mysterious, warm wind from the east
She walks on a ground that seems to move
The sunbeams make her cover with a golden flood

She's the girl who had never met bad things
never had fear in her eyes
She never saw violence
never hears of evil

All the animals stop moving
when she passes by
They are fascinated by her unknownness
and when she opens her eyes
her fairy, bright blue eyes
you can see two big oceans
And you could drown in them anytime

She walks and walks
her golden hair waves in the air
Where will she go??

She picks the flowers
makes a wish
throws the flowers in the blue air
and starts dancing....

When people see her
they don't stop
All they see is just a normal girl
who is got up in her thoughts
In het mind, she always walks in nature
Her minds shows her
where she wants to be
How long will it take
before she realises
that she lives in a different world
Or, will she never get rid of her thoughts
and will she walk forever in her dreams?



Sam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sam said...

Sorry about my previous comment. I said something, then after i posted I realized I spelled something wrong. So I had to delete it. *I know, I'm a bit egotistical...* Anywho, I had just basically said I liked your work, and that I want to know more about the girl in your poem. She seems so innocent, but the world doesn't know it. You contradict yourself a bit, since you describe her as beautiful and almost all-knowing of good, and yet no one stops to notice her. Are there hidden meanings revolving around your poem?
Otherwise, it held my attention, which is good. Keep on writing the way you do!

Sam said...

grr I didn't capitalize that "I".... oh well... deal.

thebigD said...

this is a very well writeen poem. you must have spent alot of time on it and effort. you seem to put a picture and image of a character in our mind with it. dont really have and critiscm