Friday, January 19, 2007

Tessa V, 19 anuari 2007, HW#1, Weekly Reflection

This week we did a few stuff.......Wednesday we just did presentations about ourselves. I told everyone that I was stuck in America, and that it sucked, because I hate it here. And when Mr. Adams asked me why I hated Americans I said because they are lazy and anoying.......Well, it was meant to be sarcastic....or maybe just the first part...but anyway, I wasn't serious!!

I totally did the wordgame on Friday wrong....sorry...I'm blonde, I can't help it...
I liked the thing we did afer the game, continue a story and then pass it to another person for 6, 7 times.
I liked it because I got to know a little bit about some people's style of writing....interesting....I had a story with ninja's and one with power rangers, whaha!!


Chris said...

It's cool that you're from the Netherlands, but Americans aren't all lazy and annoying. That's as blatant and bigoted as a remark as saying all mexicans are good for is building roads and tending our gardens, or that all African Americans are rude and listen to rap music. These kind of comments make a person seem bigoted and racists. A lot of people associate those kind of comments with ignorance. If you do not want others to feel you are ignorant, avoid such comments.

bbkinz said...

I didn't see your presentation because my first day in class was Firday but I think I know where you're coming from when you say you are stuck in America. I'm American but I lived in Canada for seven years. I just moved to Arizona this summer and I really didn't want to. I'm kind of happy to find someone else who feels the way I do.

Jessica Love said...

i like how you were talking about the story about the power rangers. haha that was my story, random, i know, but it made sense to me. lol.

SamG said...

I agree, i liked the story game. It was interesting to say it kindly what some of the people in my class wrote and to see their writing styles. I have lived in America my whole life but i do understand what your saying on some level it wasn't my choice to move here and i hate it here. Everything looks dead to me here.

afrika said...

Yea well i liked you comment about how u said that most AMericans are lazy and annoying..not that it was a nice comment but it showed that you didnt care what people thought about the things you said.