Friday, February 23, 2007

Weekly Reflection, week 7

Monday...we didn't have class!!

Wednesday Mr. Adams gave us information about some changes in the workshops. We have to make 4 assignments about each work during the workshop. It can be an artwork about the work, a poem, a letter to a character or the writer and some other things that I don't remember right now.
I don't like this will probably take me a long time to make 4 things about the work....and then I won't be able to talk at all. A good thing about this is that I can get my grade thats good, just as long as I do it.

Friday we had a class from Mr. A. He read a poem....I didn't like was too long and boring....
After that we read two short parts from a story....and we were put in groups and we had to do a couple things with the part.
Each group got a different fragment...and we had to draw the image that you saw when you read the story. I liked doing that, mostly because my group was fun!
After that, we had to re-write the part in a different point of view.
I learned some things from this work together, I read about a writer I never heard of before, and I learned how to re-write a story and finally, I learned some about imagery, what it does to you, and why a writer uses it.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Tessa van Beusekom, 29 Jan 2007, HW#6, Deadline Reflection

So...conclusion: I missed Dan's story, too bad, Nicole said it was funny.
Jessica and I talked about the movie we watched last Wednesday, I liked it, she didn't. Sorry, but I kind of got all excited about in the beginning already, when I saw that the music was by David Bowie: I love his music!!
But anyways...I guess the movie was not the best one I've ever seen, but it was good to watch a movie in class, better than doing the normal stuff...

I should talk more in workshops, maybe thats why I have a c in this class..I do my homework...maybe the grammar in my stories sucks...sorry, I can't help that, I'm an exhange student and unfortunately not fluent in English. (yet!)

I hope this week will be fun...

Friday, February 16, 2007

Weekly Reflection, week 6

On Monday...we had to write a story about an object that was on a table, and we had to choose the object ourselves. I choose the ruler. It was not a very interesting story....I just wrote about the smell, look and sound from the ruler.
Wednesday we watched the movie, "When the wind blows". I really liked that movie, it was an animation.......about an old couple. We had to take notes about the characterisation, that wasn't that hard because the couple were the only characters in the movie.
We also got our dialogue story back, I did pretty good on that!!

On Friday I was absent, so I don't know what we did....

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Deadline Reflection HW #4

I talked with Jessica about the story: Hills like White Elephants. She thought the man in the story was the husband of the woman, but I don't think that that is true. So, there are many different ways in how you can interpret a story.
I talked with Nicole about the fact that we both still have a long time before we do our workshops, we can reads other people's stories and we have a long time to think of something good.
I don't like rush when I have a story, I take my time, if I can.
I told Sam I really liked her story, because of the good desciption of the characters and it kept me interested the whole time.
I wonder what we're doing next week, maybe we'll all going to share our dialogues on Monday.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Weekly Reflection, week 5

This week was fun but also boring

I don't remember what we did Monday..
Wednesday we had to write a story about deer hunting.....and we had to go in pairs to read each other's stories......and after that we had to share it......
Hansley thought that my story was good enough to share it with the class....I didn't agree....and I think the class did not like the story either....
First, I thought that I didn't care what other people thought of my stories....but actually I do care a little....

Friday was fun, I really liked the discussions, they were funny and interesting.....and they are getting better every week!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Deadline reflection HW #3

I agreed with other people that its fun to critique other people's stuff.....with Emily I talked about creating a story with another person, that was fun. I am starting to like our discussions we'll see how it goes this week!
People really get into the works of students for the workshop...and thats fun!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Weekly Reflection, week 4

This week was interesting. The disscusions on Friday were very good, also amusing. I liked Ivan story about the squirell rabit. It was funny, easy and I could create a picture of the scene of the story. I like that!
I did not like the other story because the genre, it reminded me of star wars. But he gave it a good shot, the story wasn't bad. I can't believe how much imagination people in our class have and they know how to turn it into a story very well.
Wednesday...what did we do?? Oh yeah, you had to think of a character...I wrote about a girl in 10th grade who could read people's mind.....not very original...I know....but I just couldn't think of anything else!
I had to write a story with Kelly, who thought of a was weird to create a story that had both characters in it. But ours wasn't that chalenging...we just made a story about a mathteacher who takes his 10th grade class on a fieldtrip.
How exciting......

This week I learned more about creating a character and about having a, I should talk more because I hardly talk during the discussions so that should be my goal for next week!!